Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 11:25, “No man shall be able to stand against you.”
The Lord is giving a powerful affirmation, especially to those who are struggling because of their enemies. To them, the Lord says, “No man shall be able to stand against you.” Those who come against you one way will flee in seven ways. Perhaps in your workplace, studies, ministry, or business, people are standing against you, trying to destroy you through evil actions, false accusations, or sorcery, seeking to tarnish your name. But the Lord is rising up against them. He is taking your battles as His own and standing beside you to support you.
In the Bible, we see how the Lord defended Mordecai. When Haman plotted to punish Mordecai, the Lord turned the tables and made Haman perish on the very gallows he had prepared for Mordecai. Mordecai, though holding a low-status job, was a man of prayer. He prayed earnestly for his Jewish community, which pleased the Lord, and thus, God stood with him. Likewise, if you want your enemies to flee, you must be a child of God—one whom He is pleased with. Pray earnestly. If you commit to living according to the Lord’s commandments, no one can overpower you.
Not only did God protect Mordecai, but He also elevated him, placing him second in command to the king. The Bible says Mordecai became greater and greater. Similarly, you may be in a low position in your workplace now, but the Lord will elevate you in His perfect time. We also see this in the life of Daniel—his enemies secretly conspired against him, yet Daniel was victorious. The same happened to Joseph and Mordecai—opposition arose against them, but their enemies were brought to nothing. Those with whom the Lord stands will always be victorious. The Lord will surely give you victory!
“My name is Abraham Jawahar. I worked at a phone company in Bangalore, where I was treated badly and discouraged. This caused me a lot of pain. I went to God’s Love Prayer Centre, shared my problems, and requested prayer. The prayer warrior prayed for me, and God gave a vision of me at the airport with a travel bag, ready to fly. The prayer warrior blessed me and sent me forth. To my surprise, 20 days later, my company sent me to the UK for work—all by God’s grace! Even though I was treated badly, the Lord helped me and gave me a great job. God will do the same for you! Don’t be discouraged when others mistreat you. The Lord will lift you up.”
Loving Lord, Today, we thank You for Your promise that no one can stand against us. Your Word says that if we resist the devil, he will flee from us. We ask You to give each of Your children the strength to stand firm. Some may have feared the enemy and suffered, but today, let them walk in victory. Give them divine wisdom through Your Word and help them to overcome. Destroy every power of witchcraft against them. Let the plans of those who rise against Your children be broken, and lift them up so that they may stand with their heads held high. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Micah 7:8, “The Lord will be a light to me.”
In this verse, the prophet Micah says, “When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me.” Likewise, today you may be in a dark situation, under the clutches of the devil, or affected by witchcraft and its consequences. But you can boldly say, like Micah, “Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; when I fall, I will arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me.”
God will not abandon you because you are in darkness or sin; rather, He will come in search of you and redeem you. Just as God left 99 sheep in the field to search for the one that was lost, He will come after you, find you, carry you on His shoulders, and bring you back with joy.
At home, it may be that your daughter, son, or even your husband has left, but today, the Lord will go in search of them and find them. The Lord of light will search for your departed child, who is in darkness, and bring them back. God will break down all the Babylonian or foreign yokes and restore your family members.
Perhaps your child or father has been lost due to mental disability or lack of self-consciousness. Today, the Lord Jesus is departing in search of such individuals and will bring them back. Even if they are in darkness, in jail, at a bus stop, or are destitute—maybe your child has fought with you and left, or is missing—God will go in search of them and redeem them. Today, He is making His light shine upon them. He will bring them back to you.
Expect a miracle today, according to the verse, “The Lord will be a light to me.” He will be a light to your business, ministry, education, and exams. Especially to the children who are going to write exams, the light of God’s wisdom is rising upon you. You will write your exams well, score good marks, and be victorious achievers, for the Lord will help you.
It’s been four years since I completed my studies, and I struggled to find work. Despite attending many interviews, I faced barriers and received no responses, which led to depression. My life became dark, and I questioned Jesus, asking, “Why, Lord, is this happening to me?” This time, my family brought me to God’s Love Prayer Centre, where they requested prayers. The prayer warrior prayed fervently, and soon after, I received an invitation for an interview with a reputed company. I was selected in the first round, and they immediately offered me the job without a second interview. The Lord brought my life, once in darkness, into the light.
Loving Lord, we thank You. I pray for the children who are in darkness, let your hand bring them to the light, let the darkness leave and light arise on them. Let there be a bright light in their business, job, and ministry. Especially bless the children who are preparing for their exams, give them a bright future, hold their hand when they write exams, give them good memories, and make them achievers. In Jesus name Amen.
Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you on this blessed day, February 13th, through this daily message. May God bless you abundantly.
Today’s Word from the Lord:
Dear children of God who are eagerly waiting for His word, take and read: Deuteronomy 10:18 – “He administers justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing.”
God Stands with the Fatherless and the Widows
If you observe, those who oppress and trample others often target the weak—especially those who are fatherless. When someone has strong and influential support, people hesitate to stand against them. However, when someone is in a vulnerable state—without financial backing, authority, or influential connections—oppressors rise against them. But what they fail to realize is that the Lord Himself stands as a defender of such children.
Today, the Lord declares:
“You may lack financial support, manpower, or authority, but surpassing all earthly power, you have the Almighty God, the ruler of heaven and earth, as your support!” No worldly power can stand against the authority of God.
Take Jesus as your Father! Take Jesus as your spiritual Bridegroom! If you do so, He will stand in your place and provide everything you need. The Lord promises to give food, clothing, shelter, and all necessities. Just as He clothes the lilies of the field and feeds the ravens, He will surely take care of you and open new ways to sustain you. Even if you lack an income today, the Lord will make a way. If you are a widow thinking, I must stand as both father and mother for my children, be assured that with Jesus as your support, you can boldly move forward. God’s direct attention is on the fatherless and the widows. This is your day of change! The Lord will bring justice and do good things in your life.
Sister Rani, Praise be to God! For the past 60 years, I struggled to receive my widow certificate and land deed for my house. I made numerous efforts, but obstacles always arose. I sent a prayer request to Brother Stephen, and he prayed for me, responding with scriptural verses. By the grace of God and through the prayers of Brother Stephen, a great miracle happened—I received both my widow certificate and my land deed! I thank the Lord for bringing justice to me, a widow. Just as the Lord did a miracle for me, He will do the same for you today!
Loving Lord, we thank You! You are the God who administers justice for the fatherless and the widows. Lord, for those crying out for justice today, perform a miracle. Be their support and strength. For fatherless children, Lord, build homes for them. Open doors for permanent jobs. Specifically, for families who have lost their fathers, provide good job opportunities so they may be re-established. Let them live with dignity and honor. For those struggling with legal documents or inheritance issues, remove all hindrances and open doors for them. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, February 12th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you abundantly.
Today’s Auspicious Word:
Isaiah 44:3 – “I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, and My blessing on your offspring.”
God promises to pour out His Spirit on your descendants and His blessings on your offspring. For a person, the completeness of a blessing is only achieved when both spiritual and worldly blessings are combined. That is why, in this verse, the prophet Isaiah reveals that God does not stop at granting only spiritual gifts, power, and anointing. Instead, He also pours out His blessings on your descendants and offspring. This means He will not leave your children in spiritual famine or drought but will bless them in every way.
Through this auspicious word, understand that true blessings are complete when both spiritual and worldly blessings come together. They are like two eyes—one cannot be sacrificed for the other. Both eyes provide vision, just as both blessings bring divine light and abundance.
That is why, when Jacob blessed Joseph, he said:
“With blessings of heaven above,
Blessings of the deep that lies beneath,
Blessings of the breasts and of the womb.”
This signifies a complete blessing—both heavenly and earthly. From now on, your children will grow and multiply with complete blessings, receiving both spiritual and worldly abundance. The Lord will help them shine brightly in their spiritual walk. If they have been struggling in their faith, this verse will be a turning point for them. They will walk in the light of this promise. I thank the Lord for revealing this message to us. Pray fervently and praise Him continually. If you feel sleepy while praying, stand up and sing worship songs. Play some uplifting music and sing along as you walk around. Avoid praying while sitting or lying down, as it may lead to drowsiness. Instead, kneel and pray, for when you kneel, the enemy will flee, and your family will be blessed.
Testimony – Brother Vasanth Raj
My name is Vasanth Raj, and my wife’s name is Sheeba. We attend the Anbarin Paathathil meeting every month without fail and receive the Lord’s blessings. My wife had an issue with her menstrual cycle. Initially, we thought she was pregnant, so we visited the doctor. However, after a scan, the doctor informed us that she had a cyst and that she could conceive only after six months.
We participated in the Anbarin Paathathil meeting, and after the session, we met Brother Stephen for prayer. Without us mentioning anything, he placed his hand over my wife’s head and prophetically declared, “You shall become a happy mother.” He prayed for us with faith. On the 28th day, we visited the doctor for another scan. To our surprise, my wife was confirmed to be pregnant! The very doctor who diagnosed the cyst was amazed, saying, “The cyst has disappeared, and a fetus has formed.”
Even during labor, the Lord was with my wife and graciously helped her deliver a beautiful baby girl. A million thanks to the Lord for fulfilling His promise and blessing us with a child. Dear children of God, through this testimony, a chain of miracles will unfold in your lives. The Lord will do wonders for you as well!
Loving Lord, we thank You. In the name of Jesus, I bless Your children. Just as we heard in this testimony, if any of them are struggling with cysts or fibroids that are hindering pregnancy, deliver them today and make them joyful mothers. Lord, for those who have been waiting for a child, open the treasures of heaven and bless their wombs, that they may rejoice in motherhood. If any child has strayed spiritually and is walking in the ways of the world, pour out Your Spirit upon them and anoint them to flourish in their spiritual life. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!
Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, February 11th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you.
Today, what is the auspicious word that God has for us?
2 Corinthians 9:6 – “He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.”
If you put in a lot of effort, you will reap abundantly. If your effort is minimal, then your harvest will also be minimal. For example, if you sow one measure of paddy, you will reap accordingly. If you sow ten measures of paddy, your harvest will be much greater. The Bible beautifully emphasizes that when you sow bountifully, God will bless you with an abundant harvest. Some may think this verse applies only to offerings, but that is not the case. This principle applies to every aspect of life. If you study more, you will score better. If you work diligently, your rewards will be greater. Those who wake up early and dedicate themselves to studying will achieve high marks, even if their memory power is weak. God sees the effort and blesses accordingly.
Similarly, in the workplace, a part-time job yields a part-time salary, while a full-time job provides a full-time salary. Some even work overtime to receive extra earnings. The same applies to ministry—if you dedicate only a few hours a week, your impact will be limited. However, if you commit yourself fully, meeting and praying for people daily, God will bless and expand your ministry. Whatever you do—be it ministry, work, or business—the effort you invest determines your harvest. The more you sow, the more you will reap.
Sister Vasantha Rajkumar from Bangalore
Praise be to God! My son, Vasantha Kumar, lost his job due to an unexpected issue. Despite many attempts, he was unable to find another job. During this difficult time, I regularly watched the sermon you share on Nambikkai TV at 11:00 PM and prayed along with you. Your messages and prayers gave me great comfort and faith. I made an oath and gave an offering to God’s Love Ministries for my son’s job. The Lord accepted my offering, heard my prayers, and blessed my son with a high-position job with a great salary. As a token of gratitude, I have sent ₹20,000 from his first salary to God’s Love Ministries. Praise be to God! My son, who was unemployed for so long, received a miraculous breakthrough through prayer. The Lord will do the same for you!
Loving Lord, we thank You. You have said that those who sow bountifully will reap bountifully. Many of Your children are crying out, saying they see no harvest. Today, bless the work of their hands so that they may reap abundantly. Bless their education, ministry, work, and business. Give them strength and a desire to work diligently. Let them not be lazy, expecting an abundant harvest without effort, but let them work with enthusiasm, prayer, and integrity. As they labor, may they receive a bountiful blessing and experience miraculous abundance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.