June 11, 2022

Miracles received!

Praise the Lord, I am Anuradha from Chennai. For the past 6 years I have attended “Anbarin Paathathil Orunaal” fasting meeting in Chennai. God heard the prayers made by Brother T Stephen for our family and did mighty miracles for my children. My elder son was separated from his wife. But by the grace of God after I prayed with Brother my elder son united with his wife. My second son’s wife could not carry her pregnancy to full term as she kept having miscarriages. Once again God did a miracle for them and gave them the gift of a child. When my third son’s marriage was planned, I prayed with Brother for God to remove all obstacles. Again, God did a miracle and conducted the wedding in a grand manner. I was miraculously healed of the tumours found in my back and neck. I thank God for hearing Brother’s prayers and doing all these glorious miracles in our family. May His name be glorified!

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