June 28, 2022

Healed from Cancer!

Praise the Lord, I am Gopalakrishnapillai from Chennai. My wife was suffering from severe stomach pain for the past one year. After investigations the doctors confirmed the prognosis as cancer. When we consulted with the specialists, they declared that “It is an advanced stage of cancer and so nothing can be done.” Finally, one doctor agreed to treat her, but asked me to sign a written undertaking stating, “I will take full responsibility for any consequences that may arise during the treatment.” Filled with anguish, I brought my invalid wife to the “Anbarin Paathahil Orunaal” fasting meeting. The volunteers seated my wife on a chair and carried her inside. After we prayed with Brother T Stephen at this meeting there was a great improvement in my wife’s health. The doctors upon examining her declared, “Your wife is quite normal , you don’t have to be worried anymore.” I thank God from the bottom of my heart for hearing Brother’s prayers and healing my wife. May His name alone be glorified!

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