Celebrating Christmas in a Leprosy Colony

During the years that Jesus lived on this earth, thousands followed Him everywhere He went for ministry. In Mathew 14:15 – 20, we read about the miracle of feeding the five thousand with five bread and two fish. And in Mathew 15:29-38 we read of how Jesus fed the seven thousand with seven bread and a few fish. Similarly, God enabled God’s Love Ministries in 2022 to support deserving students by paying their educational fees and supporting struggling servants of God. For this reason, first I would like to thank God for His grace and next I would like to extend my gratitude to all of you for your continuous support.

“He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, And He will pay back what he has given.” (Proverbs 19:17).
May God bless you richly according to the above verse.

God graciously enabled us at God’s Love Ministries to visit the poor and downtrodden people and those afflicted by leprosy at Kaarunya Nagar, Vengathur, in the Thiruvallur district. I shared with them the good news of God’s love for the oppressed, remembering Christmas Day. We provided them with food, clothing, rice, and other necessities. We conducted various games and distributed prizes to the winners. For lunch we shared a love feast [Biryani] with them I personally prayed for their well-being and blessed everyone who had gathered. I did not do this service alone, but only by your continuous support and monetary assistance. Kindly continue to uphold God’s Love Ministries social services . All Glory to God!

New Year greetings to you and your household!

May God bless you abundantly!

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