Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified! The auspicious word the Lord has for us today is from 2 Chronicles 7:14, which says: “I will heal their land.”
The Lord promises healing—in your business, your ministry, your education, and your family. But for a person to receive healing, what must they do? The first part of the verse gives us the answer. “Pray to the Lord and turn away from your wicked ways.”
Listen carefully—pray fervently, repent from your wicked ways, and turn your heart toward the Lord. If you do this, He will hear your prayers and bring healing to your life. Many of you are waiting for blessings and breakthroughs in your families, but nothing seems to be happening. You may feel like opportunities keep slipping away. Years are passing, and you find yourself crying in despair.
Today, the Lord is saying that if you turn away from your wicked ways and pray earnestly, He will hear your prayers and bring healing. On this 26th of January, Republic Day, let us give space in our hearts for the Lord to dwell. Allow Him to sit on the throne of your heart. Just as He created the Garden of Eden for Adam to reside in, He will build a home for you. He is a God who performs miracles beyond our expectations and income. When He opens His hand, He satisfies us with goodness. Trust Him to heal your family and begin a new chapter in your life. The Lord will surely do a miracle for you!
Sister Sangeetha from Chennai,
“In my life, I faced a debt problem of ₹12 lakhs. We lived in a thatched house where rainwater would seep inside during the rainy season. Our family was trapped in poverty. In such a situation, I participated in the Anbarin Paathathil Oru Naal Fasting Prayer. During the individual prayer session, I shared my request with great burden and asked for prayer. Brother prayed earnestly for me, and the Lord heard that prayer. By His grace, I was able to pay off my ₹12 lakhs debt and even manage the school fees for my children. Praise be to God for bringing restoration to my family! From living in poverty and a leaking house, God has transformed our lives completely. All Glory To God!
Loving Lord, we thank You. In the name of Jesus, I bless Your children. I break every hindrance that blocks healing in their families. I cancel all powers of witchcraft, black magic, and opposing forces that prevent their blessings. I declare an open door for Your children to receive healing and restoration. As Your Word says, “Behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it,” may they see miracles unfold in their lives. In Jesus’ name, let every stronghold be broken and let healing, peace, and restoration flow into their lives. In Jesus’ name, we pray,
Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you on this day, January 25th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you abundantly.
Today, what is the auspicious word the Lord has for us?
Psalms 53:6 says, “Let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad.”
Jacob was a deceiver—he cheated his brother and his father-in-law. However, even during that time, there was one thing about Jacob that pleased the Lord. As mentioned in this verse, the Lord gave him joy. Why? Because Jacob longed for the anointing of God. His brother, Esau, had no regard or desire for the anointing. Hence, he lost the blessing of the firstborn in his life. Jacob, however, received that anointing. That is why Jacob was blessed with joy. Later, when Jacob transformed into Israel, he also received gladness. Today, many of you may feel like Jacob. You might be zealous for the Lord and have received His blessings so far, but you may also have areas in your life where you have wronged others. Perhaps you’ve cheated someone, taken what belongs to others, or made mistakes. Yet, the Lord has safeguarded you because of your zeal for Him.
However, if you continue to live as Jacob, the Lord cannot fully bless you. Today, you need to become Israel—a new person. When you transform into a new creation, you will receive the gladness and abundant blessings that the Lord promises. This means that joyous events will begin to happen in your family. Your broken life, which has been filled with bad news, will now hear good news. Good deeds, good things, and miraculous blessings will come your way. The Lord promises to repay you with blessings for all the years of suffering you endured. Do not be afraid. The Lord says, “Your days of sorrow have ended.”
Sister Prabha Jebastin from Thiruvannamalai
Praise be to God! I have a son, but for 10 years, I was unable to conceive again. I experienced three miscarriages, and each time, the child did not survive. In this season of sorrow, without knowing the reason, I happened to listen to a sermon by Brother Stephen on Cross TV. During the sermon, Brother Stephen said: “Daughter, someone close to you has given you an object as a keepsake. That object is in your cupboard. You do not need it—take it and throw it away, and all your barriers will be removed.” He prophesied and prayed for me. Just as Brother said, there was a family in my street who had visited some religious places and given me an object as a gift. I had kept it in my cupboard. Respecting Brother’s prophetic word, I took the object and threw it away. After that, the barriers in my life were removed. By God’s grace, I conceived again. Without any complications, I carried my baby to full term and delivered a healthy baby girl. The Lord has abundantly blessed my family and filled us with joy and gladness.
This is my testimony. When you hear such good news, the first thing you must do is obey. Just like Mary said, “Here I am, the servant of the Lord; let it be unto me according to Your word.” If you obey the Word of the Lord, He will surely do miracles for you, just as He did for Sister Prabha Jebastin. Even today, if there is anything accursed or displeasing to the Lord in your home, throw it away. The Lord will perform a miracle in your life.
Loving Lord, we thank You.
Lord, as You have said in Your Word, “Let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad,” I pray for joy and gladness to overflow in the lives of Your children. I pray that all obstacles hindering their joy and gladness be broken in the name of Jesus. If there is anything in their lives or homes that displeases You, give them the wisdom and courage to remove it. Lord, liberate Your children from every barrier and settle them peacefully in their lives. Let joyous events and marriages take place in their families. Let the barren wombs be opened, and may they receive the gift of children. Bless their travels abroad, grant them homes to live in, and rebuild their broken lives. May Your miracles abound in their lives. In Jesus’ Name, I wholeheartedly bless them. Amen.
Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you on this day, January 24th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you abundantly.
The auspicious word for today is from Jeremiah 15:21:
“I will deliver you from the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem you from the grip of the terrible.”
Today is a day of liberation—a day when God sets you free from the hands of the devil, from the wicked, and from the cruel. The term “wicked” refers to the devil, while “cruel” signifies those who stand against you. The Lord promises to redeem you from their grasp. He declares, “I will deliver you from the hands of the wicked and redeem you from those who oppress you.”
There may have been individuals who challenged you, saying, “You cannot escape from my hands. You will remain under my control.” But the Lord assures you that He will redeem you and make your name great before them. He will deliver you from those who controlled and crushed you as if you were a remote control in their hands. Today, the Lord is breaking those chains and giving you freedom. Even if you are trapped in a situation or relationship that intimidates or threatens you, do not worry. Trust in God, take a bold decision to walk away from anything that is not of Him, and He will be with you. He will guide and deliver you.
The same God who delivered Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego from the fiery furnace without a single burn will deliver you from your troubles. The God who protected Daniel in the lions’ den will also protect you. Today, He will redeem and liberate you from sin, curses, disease, injustice, and every form of bondage. He will honor you and lift your head high in the city.
Testimony of Deliverance:
Sister Banumathy from Ramanathapuram shares a powerful testimony:
“My brother Karunagaran, who was studying CA, stayed in a college hostel during his holidays. Unfortunately, one of the students in the hostel committed suicide. Witnessing this tragic incident caused my brother to be influenced by a suicidal spirit. This unclean spirit tormented him, and he attempted to hang himself and drink poison multiple times. In February, my brother’s situation worsened. He drank poison and was in a life-threatening condition in the hospital. He was on a ventilator for 38 days. Desperate, I called the prayer tower of God’s Love Ministries and requested prayer. A prayer warrior prayed fervently and instructed me to take coconut oil, pray over it, and anoint my brother in faith. I followed the instructions, trusting in God’s power.
That night, I had a vision where I saw my brother walking out of the ICU, glowing with brightness. The next day, to my amazement, my brother arose and walked out of the ICU, just as I had seen in the vision. I thank the Lord for redeeming my brother from the grip of death and delivering him. For 38 days, my brother was on a ventilator, but God heard the prayers of His children. I am grateful to God and to the prayer warriors of God’s Love Ministries.”
Loving Lord, we thank You for this day of deliverance. Your Word says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver you.” Lord, I pray for Your children who are trapped in critical situations and suffering. Let Your mighty hand deliver them from the grip of the wicked. Break the chains of death, disease, and oppression. Those who are battling for their lives in hospitals, especially in ICUs, Lord, heal and deliver them as You did for Karunagaran. You have said, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Set Your children free from court cases, illnesses, and every form of bondage. Grant them peace and elevate them in the midst of their adversaries. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you on this blessed day, January 23rd, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you abundantly.
The Auspicious Word the Lord Has for Us:
Micah 7:15 – “I will show them wonders.”
Today, the Lord is directly looking at you and saying, ‘YOU’. Keep your hand over your chest and say, ‘ME’ – He will make me see wonders. When God came into this world, He came with the name Wonderful God. Today, what wonder are you expecting? Some may say, “A great wonder has happened in our lives. An unexpected miracle has taken place. Innumerable wonders have occurred. A wonder I never even dreamed of has come to pass.” You may have heard others sharing such testimonies. From this day onward, others will hear you saying the same!
God is going to perform such incredible miracles in your life – in your children’s lives, careers, businesses, workplaces, ministries, and even in your physical health. For those awaiting abroad travels or facing bodily weakness, the Lord will do mighty wonders. Today is a day of miracles! A day of wonders! Two thousand years ago, everyone who went to Jesus with faith for a miracle received it. Today, for you too, a miracle will happen.
Specific Prophetic Word:
The Lord says He is breaking the bondages in Glory’s uterus today. Thank You, Lord! We thank You, praise You, and magnify You. Some of you struggling with terminal illnesses or issues like non-stop menstrual bleeding will be healed today. Obstacles will be removed, and good things will begin to happen. Many of you will receive the fruit of the womb, and you will testify saying, “God has done a world-renowned miracle for me.”
The Lord is also healing vision issues and other physical ailments today. Believe and receive His healing touch!
A Good Testimony:
Sis. C Uma Maheshwari from Tanjore, Praise be to God! My son-in-law was suffering without a job for 34 months. He had to borrow money from various places due to the financial strain. My daughter and I attended the Aruthalai Thaedi Healing Meeting conducted at Sacred Heart Matriculation Higher Secondary School Grounds. After the meeting, I asked Brother Stephen to pray for my son-in-law to get a job. Brother Stephen prayed for him, saying one word of blessing. In faith, we returned home. One morning, I was listening to Brother Stephen’s message on TV, where he said, “Do not worry if you do not have a job. The Lord has placed the appointment order on your table,” and prayed prophetically. I shared this with my daughter. Soon after, we received a call from my granddaughter, who said, “Daddy has got a job!” Praise be to God for this miracle! For you too, a miracle will happen today!
Loving Lord, we thank You. The same Lord who performed a miracle for Sis. Uma Maheshwari, please perform miracles for my children today. You are an impartial God, and what You have done for her, do also for my children. Lord, I thank You for fulfilling the miracles my children are expecting at this moment. Your miraculous power is descending upon Kennedy, and we thank You for doing a world-renowned miracle for him. For Devi, You are doing exceedingly and abundantly above all she could ask or think, and we thank You for honoring her heart. Fulfill everyone’s needs and bless them abundantly. We give You all the glory and praise. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you on this day, January 22nd, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you abundantly.
Today, let us meditate on the auspicious word from Isaiah 66:12, which says:
“On her sides shall you be carried, and be dandled on her knees.”
This verse speaks about a beautiful promise from God: “Your children will be carried on my hips and dandled on my knees.” Today, you may be crying out, saying, “I do not have children.” Take heart! This promise assures not only the gift of children but also the loving care of God, who nurtures them tenderly. In the olden days, cradles were crafted in simple and creative ways. A father’s veshti would be tied at both ends with a rod in the middle to create a comfortable space for the baby. Sometimes, mothers would use their sarees, fragrant with love, as makeshift cradles. These swaying cradles would gently lull the baby to sleep.
In villages where modern cradles were unavailable, mothers would sit, stretch out their legs, and place their baby on their knees. They would sway their legs gently, offering warmth and comfort. This simple act would soothe the child and help them fall asleep peacefully. Today, the Lord says He will bless you with such joy. For those who long for children, the Lord will grant you the gift of a child. Not only that, but the Lord Himself will nurture your child lovingly. It is a great blessing for your children to be carried on His hips and dandled on His knees.
If you are worried about children born with disabilities—whether mental, physical, or developmental—trust that the Lord will work a miracle. The Lord will heal children with hyperactivity, autism, speech delays, or other challenges. He will embrace them in His loving arms and cause them to thrive. No matter how old your children are, they are still children in the eyes of Jesus. Place them in His care and say, “Lord, carry my child on Your hips. Keep them on Your knees and raise them up in Your love.” When you do this, their minds will find clarity, their bodies will experience healing, and their spirits will be filled with joy.
A Beautiful Testimony:
Dency Immanuel from Trichy, “I always watch Brother Stephen’s Beloved’s Voice program on Angel TV. I have been married for 3 ½ years and was living in sorrow because I was childless. One day, I had a dream where the devil appeared and said, ‘Pray to me, and I will give you a child.’ I boldly replied, ‘I do not want such a child; Jesus will bless me with a child.’ Sometime later, Brother Stephen appeared in another dream and said, ‘Watch this week’s Angel TV program, and the Lord will give you a child.’ Though I saw his face clearly, his mouth did not move, and I only heard his voice. Eagerly, I watched the Angel TV program. During the Beloved’s Voice segment, Brother Stephen prophesied, ‘For those who do not have a child, the Lord is giving you a child.’ This was a great surprise to me!
By the grace of God, I, who had been childless for 3 ½ years, conceived that very month. In November, I delivered a beautiful baby girl and now have the joy of dandling her in my arms. What a wonderful testimony!”
Loving Lord, we thank You for Your goodness and mercy. In Jesus’ name, I bless my children. According to Your Word, carry them on Your hips and nurture them on Your knees. For those who are crying out, saying, “I do not have children,” I pray that You will perform a miracle and bless their wombs with the treasure of heaven. For children facing challenges—whether physical, mental, or emotional—I ask for Your healing touch. Let their bodies be healed, their minds made clear, and their spirits filled with joy. Let the bonds of sickness and affliction be broken. May these children grow up in Your loving care and be a testimony of Your power and love. Lord, we thank You for the many testimonies that will arise from this prayer. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.