Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified! I am delighted to meet you all on this day, January 31st, the last day of the month, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you.
The book of Job 5:24 says, “You shall visit your dwelling and find nothing amiss.”
At the peak of Job’s suffering, these words came as a revelation of comfort from God through a friend. “You shall visit your dwelling and find nothing amiss.” Now, everything may seem to be at a loss. Today, you might find yourself losing everything—your children, your riches, your wealth, your name, and fame, and even the health of your body. Like Job, you may feel that everything has been taken away, leaving you at rock bottom, sitting amidst ashes, scraping yourself with a potsherd.
But, listen carefully—days are coming when others will ask about you, and they will hear that you lack nothing and are doing well. Such days will come! In times when someone is heartbroken, take efforts to speak encouraging words to them. The Bible says, “The lips of the righteous feed many” (Proverbs 10:21). Words that flow from a righteous heart are good, encouraging, and filled with faith. These words can feed others, revive them, and give them life.
My beloved children of God,
Though today everything may seem broken and shattered, like Job, you may feel like you are at the lowest point in your life. But know this—today’s tears will turn into tomorrow’s joy. A good event that brings tears of joy is on the way. Just as Job trusted the words of his friend Eliphaz and waited upon the Lord, I urge you to listen to this Word today. Regarding your family, your children, your business, your work, and your ministry—when people inquire about you, they will not find lack but only abundance. This Word will be fulfilled in your lives. Just as God restored everything to Job in double measure, He will do even greater things for you. You will not just receive double but will multiply in millions. As a servant of God, I bless you wholeheartedly. May the Lord perform miracles in your life!
Loving Lord, we thank You. In Jesus’ name, I bless Your children. When they inquire about their homes, may they find no lack, but only fullness. Today, Lord, grant them favor in the eyes of men and women alike. Wherever they go, may they receive favor. Lord, I pray that You will turn all their lack into fullness. Let a miracle happen this very night, so that tomorrow morning, they may wake up with testimonies of Your greatness. Let them come to Anbarin Paathathil and testify, saying, “Yesterday’s Word brought us a miracle by this morning!” Lord, we thank You for the grace You have bestowed on Your children this entire month. Thank You for leading them into a new month filled with blessings. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, January 30th, through this daily Auspicious Message. May God bless you abundantly.
Today’s Auspicious Word:
Psalms 128:2 “You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.”
The labor of your hands—your work, your business, your education, your ministry—the Lord will honor today. As a result, blessings, good income, and favorable events will unfold in your life. Instead of evil, you will experience good things from now on. Whatever evil plans others may have intended against you, the Lord will transform into good. Wherever you have faced loss, God will turn it into profit.
What must be done to receive this blessing?
The Bible says that “Children who fear the Lord” will be blessed (Psalm 128). This chapter holds all the blessings required for a family, but there is one condition: blessings are for those who live in the fear of the Lord. So, fearing God is very important. As we approach the end of this month, God reminds us to become people who fear Him. Conduct your business and all your work with reverence for the Lord and a good conscience. When you do this, you will surely see a 100% harvest. The Lord who blessed Isaac will also bless you, strengthen you, and make you a wealthy and honorable person. He will transform you into a vessel of honor, wipe away your debts, and bless you with abundance.
Sister Jayanthi from Chennai
“My husband was working on a ship, but for the past 5 years, he had no job. We were in sorrow as we did not have a second child, and we were struggling to admit our first child into school. We also longed to have our own house. With these prayer requests, we participated in the Anbarin Paathathil fasting prayer and asked Brother Stephen to pray for these matters during the individual prayer session. The Lord heard those prayers and fulfilled all our requests: My husband got a job on the ship again. The Lord blessed him to eat the fruit of the labor of his hands. I prayed for a second child during the Anbarin Paathathil meeting, and the Lord blessed us with the gift of a second child. I submitted a written prayer request to admit my first child into a good school, and the Lord helped us secure admission. Lastly, I prayed for our own house, and the Lord heard Brother’s prayer and blessed us with a new home. May the Lord continue to do great things!”
Dear Lord, we thank You for Your abundant grace and blessings. Lord, bless the work of my children’s hands and grant them blessings and prosperity. May everything they do prosper. Help them to live a life in the fear of the Lord, a life bound to a good conscience. May my children develop a heart that seeks You today and practice godliness in all they do. Let their vessels overflow with blessings. Protect them from debt and bless them with abundance. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you today, January 29th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you all.
Today, let us meditate on our auspicious word. Let’s read from Matthew 19:26: “With God all things are possible.”
Come on, say it aloud: “With God all things are possible.” For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast. As we approach the end of this month, we must come before God with expectations. Before this first month ends, bring before God all that has not happened yet, all that you have not yet received. Make a list and, after reading this auspicious word, place it before God and pray. Write it down, and keep it in your Bible. With God all things are possible. Keep repeating this word and pray in faith. Surely, the Lord will do a miracle.
In the past few days, I heard a testimony of a sister who had been childless for 20 years. She came to the Anbarin Paathathil meeting one day for prayer. At that time, the doctors had told her, “There is nothing more we can do; you will not be able to conceive. It’s better to adopt a child.” The doctors said it was impossible, and she came, crying, saying, “The doctors have given up on me, they say there’s no chance. My uterus is completely damaged, and my fallopian tube was destroyed by a previous tubal pregnancy.” She said, “Brother, I don’t know what to do anymore.” But God spoke to her and said, “The doctors may have said it’s impossible, but I have not said that. There is no miracle that I cannot do. With God, all things are possible.” She believed that word and wrote it down every day. She wrote it more than a thousand times—100 to 150 times a day—until her next menstrual cycle was due. When the due date arrived, her period was delayed. The delay continued until her pregnancy was confirmed. After 20 years, God opened her womb, and she conceived. She received her miracle because of her faith.
Because sometimes doctors or people may forsake us and tell us that something is impossible. But will God say it’s impossible? No, He will not. You must believe. This sister’s miracle happened because of her faith. She kept writing that word and declaring, “With God, all things are possible,” until the miracle was confirmed. Today, the Lord is looking at you and saying, “For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.”
Dear Lord, we thank You. In the name of Jesus, I greet and bless my beloved children. You are good, and I pray that they may taste and see that whatever seemed impossible, may become possible through You. As the word says, “With God all things are possible,” let it happen for my children today. For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast. Let any nonstop bleeding stop today. Let uncontrollable debts come under control today. Let rebellious children be brought into control today. Let the jobs that have not been received yet be granted today. Let visas that have been delayed be received today. Let all failures turn into victory. I pray that You will be gracious to my children and help them to list out all that You have done for them this month. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you today, January 28th, through this Auspicious Word message. May God bless you abundantly!
The Auspicious Word the Lord has for us today is from Judges 6:14: “Go in this might of yours. Have I not sent you?”
Today, many people are in a state of hesitation, saying, “I will only swim in the sea once the storm subsides,” or “I will fish only when the waves completely calm down.” If you remain in such a state, you may never take action. The Lord has already said, “In this world, there will be tribulation, but take heart, for I have overcome the world.” This means you should act with the strength you have. Step out boldly in faith!
In the Bible, Jonathan faced a great enemy with just one companion by his side. He did not fear or hesitate. Instead, he said, “Let us take one step forward; surely the Lord will do something for us.” This is what faith looks like—taking a step forward, believing that God will act on your behalf. That faith brought them victory. Though they were outnumbered, Jonathan and his companion overcame their enemies because the Lord was with them. Similarly, God looked at Gideon and said, “Go with the strength you have. Am I not the one sending you?” Gideon believed and obeyed. With God’s help, he defeated the Midianites and redeemed Israel.
Today, God is telling you to take action with whatever strength, resources, or abilities you have. Do not think, “Only if I have enough strength or resources, will I act.” Take the first step with what you have, and the Lord will bless your efforts. Jacob, for example, left his home with nothing but a staff in his hand and the blessings of his parents. When he returned, he was blessed with great wealth, a large family, and abundant possessions. I, too, started my journey with nothing. But the Lord has blessed me immensely because I trusted in Him.
Dear children of God, believe in the Lord and take that first step. With the little you have, begin the work God has placed in your heart. As you step forward in faith, the Lord will bless your efforts and make you prosper. He will expand your life and multiply your blessings. You will see great victories this year. Trust in Him, and this will be a year of triumph and success!
Sister Prema Rajagopal from Chennai
We lived in a rented house for over 40 years. Though we worked hard, we could never buy a house of our own. However, I contacted God’s Love Ministries and prayed earnestly for an own house. I also participated in the Anbarin Paathathil fasting meeting, where I requested Brother Stephen to pray for this need. Brother Stephen prayed and prophesied that I would receive an own house and blessed me. I held on to those prophetic words with faith. By God’s grace, we were able to purchase our own house! All glory to God!
Loving Lord, we thank You. Even now, You are looking at Your children and saying, “Go in this might of yours; have I not sent you?” Lord, with the strength they have, help Your children step out and do the work You have ordained for them. Equip them, guide them, and go with them. Grant them victory in all their efforts. Just as You gave Gideon great victory, Lord, grant my children success in all areas where they have struggled or faced failure. Thank You, Lord, for seeing their tears and hearing their prayers. Right now, we thank You for touching and healing Emily. Let Your name be glorified continuously in their lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, January 27th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you abundantly.
Today, what is the auspicious word for us?
Isaiah 54:13 says, “All your children shall be taught by the LORD.”
When the Word says, “All your children shall be taught by the Lord,” it implies that, for those who do not have children, the Lord will first bless them with the gift of children. Only then will this promise be fulfilled. This means that the barriers preventing childbirth will be removed, marriages will take place, and the gift of children will follow. After that, the Lord will teach those children. Thus, two blessings accompany this verse: the blessing of children and the promise that they will be taught by the Lord. Not just a few, but all of your children will be taught by the Lord. That is the essence of this verse. In a family, you may see different kinds of children, as illustrated in the parable of the prodigal son. There was the elder son, who remained virtuous and obedient, and the younger son, who strayed and wasted his inheritance on worldly pleasures. Despite his waywardness, the Lord taught him. Through tribulation, the younger son came to a realization, repented, and returned to his father’s house, resolving to start anew.
In the same way, those children who have not obeyed the Word of God and have caused mental distress to their families will be touched by the Lord today. Just as the prodigal son repented and surrendered, the Lord will bring such children to realization and reconciliation. Today is the day for this miracle!
Sister Lily from Hosur, “I have two children—my son Joseph and my daughter Saranya. Both of them left me due to problems in our family, especially because of my son’s drinking habit, which caused a division in our home. One morning, as Brother Stephen was sharing the auspicious word, he prayed that children would repent and return home. That word felt as though it was spoken directly to me. Later that night, as I watched a sermon by Brother Stephen on YouTube, the Lord spoke to me through it. After the prayer, just as the Lord had said, my children returned home and asked for forgiveness. The Lord was gracious! Today, my entire family is united in the Lord. He transformed our broken family into a little heaven. I thank the Lord for teaching my children and leading them. For you too, the Lord will do the same.”
Loving Lord, we thank You. You are good, great, and a doer of mighty wonders. Today, Lord, we pray for children who are wandering and lost. Make them virtuous and bring them back as residents in their families. Teach them, counsel them, and bring them to realization. Thank You for reuniting divided families and bringing peace. Your Word says, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity.” According to this promise, command Your blessings upon these families. Let unity and abundance flow in their homes. I bless them in Your mighty name and pray they receive these blessings in full measure. Amen.