January 28, 2022

STRAIGHT WAY - Bro. T. Stephen

Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Psalm 107:7, “He led them by a straight way, to a city where they could settle.”

From  the above context  we learn  that in spite of Israel’s sin of unbelief and murmurings  against Him, the Lord graciously chastened His people for a season, and later  responded   to   their cries  and restored   them    into sweet fellowship with Himself. Thus   we discover our faithful God restoring His people, and leading them by a straight way  until  they  reached  a  city  in  which to dwell for,  the Lord is good and forgiving,  abounding  in steadfast love to all who call upon His name – and His love endures forever. So Let us walk in His ways, trust His word and give Him thanks and praise for His steadfast love.

We have a wonderful God and throughout His word we see over and again His loving-kindness, tender-mercies, and patient-endurance ever flowing out to His children and guiding us along the right pathway.  We do not deserve it, yet  He is true to His word and has promised never to leave us and always to lead and guide us in the way we should go, even during  times when we prove faithless, and  disobey Him or try to work things out in our own strength,  He remains true to His promises and remains faithful towards us.  So in case you want to go somewhere, or achieve certain goals in life, you need to listen to His voice. Then  God’s grace and mercy  will be poured  over you as  a flood of refreshing streams, for the Lord longs to shower compassion, mercy, comfort, on you who is distressed  and to bring you  to victory in your  lives.  God will lead you in   a miraculous manner.   Prophet   Isaiah told them that the Lord would show mercy to His people and continue to lead and guide them, if they  would only  listen, and   if  their ears would hear a word behind them, saying, this is the way, walk you in it.

We too are sometimes disobedient and confident on our own abilities instead of trusting in His strength.  God’s grace and mercy towards us is never changing, and He is always there to guide us back into the way of truth. All that He desires of us is that we listen to His voice, hearken to His word, trust in His love, rely on His sufficient grace and let the love of Christ guard our heart… so that every step we take may be directed by Him –for His greater glory.  Therefore,  Let us learn to listen to the Word of the Lord and hearken to His voice behind us – leading us, guiding us, directing us, and telling us which is the way that we should go, so that we are not tempted to turn to the right hand nor to the left – but keep our eyes on Jesus and our ears ever open to His still, small voice of love.  God Bless You.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we   thank   You   for   this   blessed day. We   thank You for Your goodness and grace towards us and all our children. Lead us Lord along a straight path and may we walk in Your ways all the days of our life.   Lord we, praise and thank You for Your faithfulness, even when we are faithless.  We long to tune the ears of our heart to   listen to Your voice. We thank You for sending Jesus to be our Saviour and our   Friend; our Way and our Life, our Guide and our Comforter. 

In Jesus  Name We Pray.


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