July 8, 2022

Goodness and Mercy - Bro. T. Stephen

Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of “ Psalm 23:6, ‘Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. ”
‘All the days of my life’ means as long as you live, goodness and mercy shall follow you. The Psalmist speaks about himself, so he refers as, ‘Me’. Today the Lord is giving you this word and blessing you. As long as you live, goodness and mercy will follow you. All these days, poverty might have followed you. Debts would have followed you for many years and ruined your peace. As you experienced many failures, you would have faced failures one after the other. Losses might have followed you. But what will happen from today onwards? Goodness and mercy will follow you. Goodness will follow you instead of the days when evil followed you. Many good events are going to take place in your family. Many auspicious events will take place.
Two thousand years ago, Lord Jesus who went about doing good to all on the earth has come into your house today, to do good for you. The Lord is telling that goodness and mercy will follow you. The Lord is bringing double blessings of goodness and mercy into your homes. The reason that the Lord is bringing mercy along with goodness is that there may be some obstacles or the defiling of holiness in certain places that have stopped good things from happening.
Although there may be situations that will not allow you to receive goodness, the Lord will grant you that goodness based on His mercy and grace. In the Bible, Job said,’ Evil came to me who was waiting for good’. Evil might have happened to you, though you were waiting for good to happen. However, the Lord is telling that grace will surround you so that, that evil will turn around into good. So today, the assurance to all of you is that the Lord will qualify you for the job you are not qualified for. Some say, ‘I am not qualified for such a great post’. I do not have previous experience. Just think about David. What previous experience did, David have with a royal life. Is there any relation between being a shepherd and a king? It was God’s grace! So David wrote this psalm, ‘Goodness and mercy will follow me’. This grace and mercy caused him to be seated among kings. Today, this grace will make you to be seated among kings and princes. Instead of the evil days, that you had experienced, with debts, and with all the losses that followed you, the Lord who has compassion on you is telling that goodness and good events will follow you. He will do as He has promised you. So you can expect miracles to happen in your life in the near future. But you need to depend on the Lord with all your heart and mind.

Prayer: Loving Lord, we thank you! All these days, some of them have been experiencing evil, debts, losses and struggles. Let goodness and mercy follow them for the years they had faced evil and let all that they have lost be restored to them. Bless them that their cup might overflow. Let them experience overflowing blessings in their life.
In Jesus Name we pray.

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