March 9, 2023

God will live Among You. - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of the Lord is taken from the book of Zechariah 2:10, “I am
coming and will live among you”.
My dear children of God, What a word of assurance the Lord has given us today. Isn’t it an
encouraging word? In this world, when we get an assurance from a person saying I will come
and help you, we become encouraged; we are comforted by his word of assurance.
Sometimes he may fail to help due to various situations. But our God’s assurance will never
fail. He says, “Are you in trouble, well I will come and see to it. I will come and solve your
problem”. Today, Lord is assuring you that He will come and live in the midst of you.
Maybe there had been a great loss in your life since the Lord was not with you in the past.
You suffered from debts, and you went through shame and dishonour. You got entangled in
many unwanted affairs, and you are now standing in despair. Today God is looking at you as
you have lifted your eyes towards heaven with tears. God says, I will come and live in the
midst of you.
What will really happen if the Lord comes in the midst of you?
Firstly, He will destroy all the weapons formed against you. When God comes and lives in the
midst of you and your family, He will drive away all the works of the evil spirit. The schemes
of witchcraft, black magic, and divination will be wiped away and destroyed completely. So
do not fear. For if God is with you, who can be against you.
Secondly, your poverty will disappear, because He is a God of riches. God will bless the works
of your hands. He will prosper you in your work or business that you are doing. He will give
you success thus you will be able to clear all your commitments. You will no more suffer
poverty but will enjoy the blessings of God.
If you are doing ministry when God comes and lives with you, you will see a growth in your
ministry. Where ever you go and minister, you will see God performing miracles in the lives
of the people. Thus your ministry will flourish.
Hence my beloved, do not be shaken in your life. All things are possible with God. He will
make all the crooked paths straight in your life.
God bless you.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse “I am coming and will live
among you”. Lord, it is enough if you come into our lives. If you come then all the poverty
and famine of my children will disappear. All diseases will be healed. From today onwards my
children will live a life free from debts. They will live a healthy and peaceful life. Help them to
live a life of fullness. Honour my children and let them shine in their life as you live in the
midst of them. Give them name and fame.
In Jesus Name We Pray,

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