August 27, 2020

God of Compassion - Bro. T. Stephen

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Jeremiah 33:3 “ Call to Me and I will answer you. I will tell you great and mighty things which you do not know.”

From the above context we come to understand that our God hears our cry and answers our prayers. He will tell us great and mighty things that you may not know.  For He is  a powerful God. He is  a God of sympathy. The Bible says,  As a father pities his children so the Lord pities them that fear Him. The  Lord took pity on  the  people  of Israel. He will take pity on you and  me  also  for He is  a  God  of  compassion. Jesus  went about doing good   and healing all who were oppressed by the devil  for God was with him.

God, encourages us that we will have tribulation in this world but we should   be of good cheer because  our God has overcome the world. Some of you are crying while reading this message. You seem to be asking will not God perform a miracle for me as He performed for Zacharias and Elizabeth in their old age. God heard the cry of this couple and answered their prayer. Through the birth of their son, John the Baptist, they had joy and gladness and there was great rejoicing   at his birth.

Today God is looking at you, and saying,  The request for which you have been praying and waiting all these days, and if you receive an answer to  your prayer, then there will be great rejoicing in your family like that of Elizabeth and Zacharias. That day, God did what he promised Zacharias. Today God will perform a miracle for you. Just trust Him for he has Power in His words. He spoke, and it was done, He commanded and it stood fast. He  calms  the storm and its waves are still. He says, “ Call unto Me and I will show you great and mighty things.”

I wish to share a testimony of a sister who   attended our fasting prayer meeting which is held on the  first   Saturday, of every month at BKN, Auditorium ,Vepery, Chennai.   Her friend had brought her to the meeting. She was married for the past 25 years, but she did not have a child. She went to many hospitals and had all kinds of treatment, but she did not have a child.  Doctors had told her that there was no chance for her to get pregnant and conceive a child.  She continued to attend  the  meetings  regularly  with her friend.   She believed that God would one day  open  her  womb and grant  her a child. She came to me for prayer, she said,”’ Brother it  is twenty five years  since I got married  but I have no child. Yet I believe that God will bless me with a child through your prayer. ” I prayed for her saying, The  Lord who was during the days of Abraham is still alive. And the Lord who was with Zacharias is still living today.  And just as you heard the prayer of  Zacharias   and  Elizabeth and blessed  them with   a child, even in their old age,   have mercy on this sister and take away the shame and dishonour that  she is going through because of her barrenness.  She could not conceive because of her old age. But   God   took pity on  her  and  heard our prayer and the same month she conceived. Next year she came,  with  her child and stood as a testimony,  in the  prayer meeting at BKN. What a wonderful God we have. He hears the cry of his children and answers their prayers.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,  you who are reading this message, is expecting such  a  miracle.  You   seem to say, Lord will you not perform a miracle for me? Yes, God is about to perform a supernatural miracle for you. For what is impossible with man,   is possible with God. And all things are possible to them that believe. Have faith in the Lord and He will fulfil the desires of your heart. God bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank you for hearing   our cry  and answering our prayers. You are a mighty and awesome God. You take pity on your children.  You are  a  faithful,  God  who keeps your covenant, for a thousand generation and shows mercy to them that keep your commandments. Lord be merciful to us and perform miracles in our lives too, that we may not lose heart, but be strengthened in faith.  

In Jesus name we pray.



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