January 2, 2022

Be Prosperous - Bro. T. Stephen

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of  Isaiah 55:8  “For My thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are your ways, My  ways, says the Lord.  For As the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways.” 

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above context we come to understand that many are the .plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. It is so easy to be overwhelmed by despair, and fear in the world today. Sin, war, and sickness   all   find a way, to steal our hopes and cause us to doubt that there is a good  future ahead. Yet God promises us that He has plans for us that are of  a good  future  with hope, Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you are able to look forward with joy, to God’s destiny on your life. 

God’s thoughts toward us is not the same as our thoughts. Neither are His ways, similar to that of our ways.  Yet  everyone of you are expecting a good end to your problems and all that you have planned. You are rather  afraid, as to where these, will lead you to. Will it end in evil ways? Or will it lead  to  a  good  end ?   Well if you surrender your ways to the devil, then it will lead to evil ways.  If  you surrender your ways to the Lord then it will lead to a good  end. It is how you choose the way?

We read about Joseph who was one such person who surrendered his life to the will of God. Of course he was thrown into a deep pit by his own brothers. Later they pulled him up and sold him to the Midianite  traders, for twenty   pieces of silver to the  Ishmaelite,  who took him to Egypt.   This is how God had taken him to Egypt. God had a plan and a purpose for taking him to Egypt. He did suffer a lot in the hands of his own brothers who had planned to kill him, and then  he  was tempted  by Potipher’s wife. Satan had devised an evil plan for his life. Satan brought before him a beautiful woman, Potipher’s wife who tempted him  to do evil before God. So he was subjected to very painful situation in his life. But, since he surrendered his life to the Lord, and gave himself to the plan of God, by running away from committing sin, God was with him and helped him in the most difficult times of his life. Especially   when  he was thrown into the prison for no fault of his. He was falsely accused and thrown into the prison. Even there he was chosen to  be,  in charge of the prison by the  Prison  Warden.  God changed the evil for his own good.  

God had not forgotten him in the prison. Soon he became the Governor of Egypt as he interpreted the dream of Pharaoh. Thus God exalted him in that great nation of Egypt. And used him mightily  for the glory of God. God used him to provide food grains to the people in and around Egypt during the time of famine. He became a renowned personality in the region, as he depended on God. He was exalted among all his brethren. Thus God had  a prosperous plan for him. Initially there were problems and he had to go through hardships. Though the beginning was very insignificant the end was a great blessing.

My  Dear  Brothers  and  Sisters, God  who prospered  Joseph will prosper you too if your ways  are pleasing to the Lord. God knows the way you take. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And  lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him; And He shall direct your paths. God Bless you.

Prayer:   Our loving heavenly Father, we thank  You for this blessed day. Lord help us to make the right decision in our life. Teach us to do the will of God and not follow the steps of the devil.  Make us to hear your voice and walk steadily in our life. Never to fear at little things that crop up in our lives and feel frustrated but boldly endure the troubles and glorify God. Help us to be like Joseph who set an example of Christ.  

In Jesus name we pray.


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